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Tough gals!

23 Jan 2021 War Cry
Posted January 23, 2021

Read this edition online

I recently attended the wedding of a young friend. It was a beautiful occasion, but especially poignant because I have witnessed the difficult path this woman has walked over many years, through no fault of her own.

Growing up, her father was an abusive and dangerous man and caused significant trauma for her family. As a child, she was at the forefront of the confrontations and regularly challenged this man’s life-threatening behaviours. She was and is courageous and, despite the uncertainty and anguish of these years, my friend remained positive and optimistic.

The saying ‘bitter or better’ comes to mind. It is at times a fine line that separates bitter and better, a line we draw for ourselves. Each negative experience brings us to a crossroad with two clear choices: I will allow this experience to make me bitter, or, I will allow this experience to make me better. This is not always clear cut and the internal dialogue can be had over months or years, but as we daily choose to lay down our bitterness, eventually we bear the fruit promised to us in the Bible of love, joy and peace.

My young friend chose the better over the bitter multiple times, and in this edition of War Cry, you will read about other women who have chosen better and who have developed tenacity, courage and resilience. The decisions they have made gave them strength and the ability to change their own lives for good and we recognise them as our tough gals!

Vivienne Hill

Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tyre?
—Corrie ten Boom

Bible Verse

Proverbs 31:25
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Ngā Whakatauki 31:25
He kaha, he hōnore ōna kākahu; ā e kata ana ia ki ngā rā ō muri atu.